'We take golf beyond the scorecard to inspire and empower women'
About Us
Women on Course is the fastest growing national community for business professionals and lifestyle enthusiasts interested in connecting through the game of golf and all it has to offer. If you're ready to meet amazing people, learn a new skill, or network in a supportive environment, Women on Course is for you!

Meet Donna Hoffman – Women on Course Founder
How did a CPA and former golf widow end up building the fastest growing network of women leveraging golf? It’s an inspiring story, one that celebrates the power of the game.
Donna’s belief that golf extends beyond the scorecard has intrigued and engaged thousands of women in the golf lifestyle. What began as a happy hour conversation has grown throughout the country into a membership-based platform hosting over 800 annual events. The secret to her success? Connection. And not just to the ball. The real magic happens during shared experiences and deeper conversations at the 19th hole. (And if you don’t golf yet, that’s the clubhouse.)
Donna’s thought leadership has re-defined the sport to encompass business networking, travel, wine immersion and personal style. By demystifying the game, Donna has removed the intimidation and invited women to become comfortable and confident in a golf setting. Recently named a ‘Disrupter’ and one of 22 women Spearheading a Revolution in Golf by the LPGA, Donna speaks to Fortune 500 companies on the value of golf as a confidence builder – as well as a business development tool – while providing beginners a fun and easy on-ramp to be part of the conversation.
What We Do
Women on Course hosts local golf, travel and networking events across the country with a membership component to enhance participation and facilitate friendships. We provide custom golf events and programs for organizations developing their female leaders. Whether you're looking to learn or play the game of golf, master the wine list or increase your network you'll do so in a welcome setting.
Community Members
Working Professionals
Annual Events
Years Strong
Connect With Women Like You
Our community is filled with interesting and accomplished women who are seeking an active lifestyle. Most come to Women on Course to create friendships, enhance their careers and participate in the game of golf in a friendly atmosphere. Our members range from those picking up a club for the first time to regular players, while others prefer the business and networking aspects that take place off the course.You don't have to be a member to attend an event. Find one near you!

Meet Tina Fox – Chief Executive Officer
Tina’s journey from a global sales leader into entrepreneurship helped her appreciate the need to create a larger local network. In doing so she realized that the talents and skills she developed over two decades in her industry could be applied to many others. Feeling the joy from her transition, she wanted to support other women in growing their networks and share her inspirational experiences.
Tina created Success Series, a workshop focused on ubiquitous business topics designed to stimulate thought provoking discussion. In three short years, her first meeting grew from a modest group of 8 women to over 1,300 in the DC metropolitan area. Her collaboration with Women on Course is a natural fit – adding an outlet for women to build their business circles and develop valuable interpersonal skills.
Leadership Team
Joy Sanders
Megan Bell
Tracy Feldman
Central Florida
Maria Taylor
Karen Sullivan
Sandra Ivey
Brittney Burnam
Megan Bell
Cressy King
Northern VA
Lori Bell
Orange County
Kristen Liebsch
Debi Erickson
Debi Erickson
San Diego
Mariko Kondo
San Francisco
Monique Maher
South Florida
Virginia Beach